Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en Inglés Estadounidense y Griego.

🎤  On the occasion of the recent posting of original educational material for the National Anniversary of 28 October 1940 in the “Resource Hub” of European School Radio, we invite you to explore the material and add content for educational purposes as well.

🎭 Find available the play “The Radio in the Οccupation reminds us” to remember that some black years ago “those who had a radio or headphones with galena would be hunted”. Accompanying this, you can also find the audiovisual content used in the classroom and at the school celebration.

Θεατρικό Σενάριο για την 28η Οκτωβρίου 1940 “Το ραδιόφωνο στην κατοχή μάς θυμίζει”

🎙️ You can also post educational material in which you incorporate and pedagogically use podcasts, radio shows, and songs in your classroom.

📻 Share your Good Practices with the ESR Community members.