Aims and objectives

Networked European School Radio (NEStOR)
The aim of the NEStOR project is to create a Web Radio across Europe which is flexible, multilingual, modern and attractive educational medium for Schools. It will provide a safe and user friendly environment even for students with special educational needs such as visual impaired; it will be enriched with interdisciplinary teaching materials for school education at a European level; it will be integrated in modern educational requirements. The project will provide the educational community with the necessary tools for the cultivation of communication skills, participation of every European learner to a public radio program and the exchange and dissemination of cultural elements through the Web Radio.
The NEStOR project will highlight the European dimension of the existing European School Radio η which has been operating in Greece with great success.
Why web radio?
The Radio passed easily into the digital age by maintaining the educational and pedagogical value. The radio links reality with imagination: “At the very time the actuality occurs, thought and imagination are called to capture it.” Internet Web radio allows both cooperation and two-way communication through networking offerings and “social networks”. Furthermore emphasizes the spoken word, and students arrive much easier than other media to become “content providers” for the Internet media and of course the social networks.
The direct target groups are the following:
- Students (primary and secondary education – from public and private schools) and
- Educators (teachers of primary and secondary schools)
Through the web radio students and teachers see the school as a participatory space for self-expression and creativity and can also lead towards:
- Establishing a positive, creative and challenging climate for students in the school environment for motivating activities integrated in the school intra and extra curriculum context; educators will be enabled to work as their guides towards the creation of cultural products.
- Exposure to Media Literacy, since students get the role of Information Providers and consumers with highly critical minds.
- Promotes oral, writing and research skills for audio/ radio production, use of foreign languages, communication, negotiating and debating skills as well as culture, music and arts and the involvement of students in technical processes as well.
- Familiarizing students and teachers with ICT and audio-visual productions in a protected environment, providing tools for learning through entertainment.
- Networking, within and among schools providing a model for collaborative learning and teamwork
- Increasing tolerance to different cultures and countries through the collaboration of students from different cultural backgrounds.
It is a ‘learning community’ because it
• inspires various kind of learning and recreational activities around a web radio
• promotes collaboration especially between students and students and educators
• makes schools come closer among them but also with the local and wider community
• develops of critical thinking and speech, democratic ideals
• provides students with personal development and also vocational prospects around the use of media, radio professions, journalism, sound engineering and other.
“Through the Internet Radio, the school becomes a participatory space for self-expression and creativity”
COORDINATOR: EUROPEAN SCHOOL RADIO, and European School Radio Society, GR
The Results are defined in 3 axes:
the WEB RADIO PORTAL (platform)
the actual WEB RADIO operating 24h/365d
all Scientific STUDIES and all GUIDES to back up and support the above
More specifically: Intellectual outputs
Intellectual outputs
O1 – Web Radio Model: Understanding Web Radio – Requirement analysis of the web radio model
O2-European Web Radio: Pedagogical aspects and European dimension
O3-Web Radio Portal: Design and Implementation of the Web Radio Portal
O4-Educational & support material: Educational & support material, Educational Scenarios
O5-Evaluation of Web Portal & Radio: Evaluate the training of schools and actual application and usage – CPI
Also, Dissemination Plan, Exploitation Plan, Viability Study
–> HERE <–
No of Intellectual Output | Result | ORGAN. | No of Documents |
O1 WebRadio Model |
Activity O1/A1 – Web Radio understandings. Radio etiquette – a Booklet. An analytical Study on a current Web Radio –
Task 1. Radio and Web Radio Terms, definitions and Radio etiquette – a Booklet. Task 2. An analytical Study on a current Web Radio – “European School Radio” (ESRadio) in Greece, a web radio case. A fthorough description and understandings (procedures, modules, processes, technologies, structures, datasets). |
ESR | 2 |
Activity O1/A2 – . A Definition and requirement analysis of a networked Web Radio Model for schools European-wide. Task 1. A short but comprehensive report on the demands and prerequisites in order to set up an European-wide networked School Web Radio.Task 2. An analysis on the improvements needed for the new Web Radio compared to ESRadio. A clear description of improvements: organization, responsibilities, procedures, processes and structures, languages. Procedures involve: Registration requirements, Organization of the radio groups (preparation, training, support, recording and other, of the pupils in and outside the school), Communication with coordinators of the web radio, Recording and editing module, Scheduling audio shows in a radio programme, Live Shows, Posting and live chatting on Web Radio Portal and social media, Matching partners and cooperative work, Podcasting, explained, Collecting Statistics, such as ratings, usage and other. |
ESR | 2 | |
Task 3. Explore potential cooperations with other projects and networked european platforms which are already used by the education and school community, such as eTwinning, Photodentro ( ) , Open Discovery Space ( and Europeana ( ) and other. (CTI) | CTI | 1 | |
O2 Pedagogical aspects -European dimension |
Activity O2/A1 – Pedagogical aspects of the web radio model Task 1 – A study of the importance of Medial Literacy and particularly of the Radio to education. The study considers the goals towards Media Literacy and the Web Radio as asked by European Union and also UNESCO, OECD and other institutions (AAU). Task 2 – An analysis of the required skills and dexterities of students and educators to use Web Radio and Media (Consideration is taken for students with visual disabilities). (AAU ) |
AAU | 2 |
Activity O2/A2 Task 1- A general guide on how to introduce and incorporate Media with an emphasis on the Web Radio in intra and extra curriculum activities (AAU). |
AAU | 1 | |
Activity O2/A2 Task 2 – Report on potential collaboration with other projects and networked european platforms which are already used by the education and school community, such as eTwinning, Photodentro ( ) , Open Discovery Space ( and Europeana ( ) and other. (CTI) |
CTI | 1 | |
Activity O2/A3 – Educational Scenarios to be applied by schools Task 1- Deliver a guide on developing Educational Scenarios and the actual scenarios for the Web Radio to be used by schools. Consideration is taken for visual impaired students. (two deliverables) |
AAU | 2 | |
Activity O2/A4- A study on the ethical and copyright issues associated with the use of Web Radio in education and the school community. The study will examine the legal precedents which are being set in Europe. The tasks incorporated in this output are as follows: Task 1 – Create a guideline based on how to respect the ethical and copyright issues in the Web Radio by the school community. (ESR) Task 2 – Task 3 – Guidelines on how to face the copyright issues with the competent bodies in the participating countries. (ESR) |
AAU+ESR | 1 | |
O3 Web Radio Portal |
03/A1-Technical specifications &requirement analysis of Web Radio Portal | CTI | 1 |
O3/A2 Design of user management and radio program platform Task 1. Design for the existing platform so that it becomes multilingual, supports social interaction and conforms using the technical specifications from activity O3/A1. [ESR responsible, CTI can contribute with graphics designer] |
ESR +CTI | 1 | |
O3/A2 Design of user management and radio program platform Task 2. User management and authentication environment design: profile editing, preferences setting, etc. Users will have different access levels. ESR will be responsible for this activity but CTI will have the general technical overview of the activity [ESR responsible, CTI technical supervision] Task 3. Online help for the platform. [ESR, CTI, together] |
CTI +ESR | 1 | |
03/A3Report on support and maintenance of existing high-quality audio streaming module. | CTI +ESR | 1 | |
Activity O3/A4 – Design of the digital audio repository of Web Radio Portal . A digital audio repository will be developed, where users will be able to easily upload and search for past broadcasts and download locally the related audio files or share them. Task 1. Definition of specifications and design of digital audio database [ESR responsible, CTI technical supervision] Task 2. Implementation of digital audio database [ESR responsible, CTI technical supervision] |
ESR +CTI | 1 | |
Activity O3/A5 – Design and Implementation of integrated e-Learning module. This will serve as the educational and online courses and also the communication point for all users of the Web Radio Portal. Task 1. Configure open source tools for implementing the Learning Community, online courses, synchronous and asynchronous e-learning, WIKIs, etc. [ |
CTI | 1 | |
O4 Educational & support material |
Activity O4/A1 – Educational Scenarios: The partner schools will develop specific educational scenarios in order all schools to be able to use them. For these, schools will use the scenarios developed in O2 and get help and guidance by AAU.
Task 1 – Each school depending on the school level will implement at least one(1) specific educational scenario for every year. These scenarios will become Radio Shows (live or recorded). So, the schools can prepare for senior high school a “debate” on social and human rights issues, for junior high school will develop “subject based”( geography, history, physics, I.T., language, etc), for elementary schools (and nursery) “stories and fairy tales” and ”physical or other phenomena”. Task 2 – Educational material, on the portal is an ongoing basis for the use of all schools involved. This involves all partners. Task 3 – Evaluation reports of the scenarios and audio products. Schools will use evaluation tools produced by O4 and evaluate the implementation of the educational scenarios and other. The activities and educational scenarios on the project will be implemented at first on a raw basis and then evaluated and enriched the participation and exchange of ideas from the other partners. Also we aim to establish a community of practitioners in order to form a main repository of good practices constantly enriched and evaluated by the relevant bodies. |
CPI | 1 |
Activity O4/A2 – Educational & supporting material for the online learning community Task1-2: Guides will be incorporated from previous packages (CPI & ESR) |
CPI (+ESR) |
1 | |
Activity O4/A3 – instructional manuals – (ESR give guidance on the operation and functions of the Web Radio) Task 1-2 Instructional manuals the Interface usage (registration, uploading files, applying for collaboration, profile, etc) and video/audio manual on the usage of various components of the Web Portal Task 3 -4 Instructional manuals about the process of making a radio production |
CPI (+ESR) |
2 | |
Activity O4/A4 – Eucational scenarios produced by partner schools become eTwinning kits.Each school will produce specific educational scenarios. Selected scenarios will become eTwinning kits. Task 1. Select the appropriate educational scenarios and cooperate with school partners and convert at least two(2) scenarios to eTwinning kits. (CTI) |
CTI | 1 | |
O5 Evaluation of Web Portal & Radio |
Activity O5/A1 – Evaluate training and usage of Web Radio in schools Task 1 – Evaluate the training and adoption and use of the Educational Scenarios by the schools. The end of first year. Task 2- Evaluate qualitative elements and the effect in intra and extra school life by introducing Web Radio in schools. Opinion of administration, educators, students, parent association, local community. During the second year. |
CPI | 1 |
Activity O5/A2 – Evaluate the usage of NEStOR by schools Task 1 – Evaluate and report the introduction in the participating schools of NEStOR identifying the challenges and issues and suggest improvements to the consortium. The end of first year. Task 2 – Give guidelines to schools on how and what to improve of the action for the second year of implementation. At the start of the second school year. Task 3- Prepare the final report on the application of NEStOR by schools. End of second year. |
CPI | ||
06 Exploitation Plan |
Exploitation plan
Viability Study |
2 |
- Please find a list of Dissemination Activities below (for update check here.)
- NEStOR Dissemination Material: BANNERS, TRIFOLD, ROLL UP below
- Also, you can read:
17 March 2017 (European School Radio)
4th school radio Festival Crete ,
16 Dec 2016 (European School Radio)
Educational Directorate of Central Macedonia, Greece,
Presentation of NEStOR to 80 School Officers and Advisors, responsible for the whole Central Macedonia, Greece.
27/10/2017 (European School Radio)
NEStOR presented on Sunday 27 November 2016, 12.00 – 12.30 Γιαγκούλης Νικόλαος, European School Radio, «NEStOR» στο Erasmus+: Αναπτύσσοντας το Ευρωπαϊκό Μαθητικό Ραδιόφωνο”
Type (Conference, Workshop, etc) Name (click on links) Contribution Date and Place Press Release CPI participating in the NEStOR project Press Release August 2016, Cyprus Announcement NEStOR Press Release Press Release 11 December 2016 on Webpage – FB Workshop eTwinning Annual Conference Presentation 27 November 2016, Patras, Greece Festival CPI supporting ESR’s 4th School Radio Festival, Crete Announcement November 2016, Cyprus Website Information regarding the participation of AGL to the NEStOR Post/Presentation November 23, 2016 Workshop – ΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ Presentation 16 December 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece ESR Contest CPI Introducing NEStOR and ESR’s School Radio Contest to schools in Cyprus Circular December 2nd, 2016, Cyprus Web Presence Facebook PRESENCE Social Media- FB February 2017 Website European School Web Radio and logos introduced in Kaunas district Garliava Juozas Luksa High School’s website, also article about the project posted Presentation January 2017 Workshop 4th Festival Student Radio, Crete Presentation March 17 2017 Festival NEStOR, Co-organiser of the 4th School Radio Co-Organiser March 18-19, 2017, Greece Event CPI and Cypriot winner schools participate in ESR’s 4th School Radio Festival in Crete Participation March 18-19, 2017, Greece Website ( NEStOR, Action of eSafeCyprus Post April 2017, Cyprus Print Translation and print of NEStOR Leaflet in Greek for disseminations events in Cyprus NEStOR Leaflet in Greek April 2017, Cyprus Event CPI congradulates Cypriot schools participating in ESR Radio Contest 2017 and disseminates NEStOR project Event May 3rd 2017, Cyprus Letter & Leaflet CPI sends NEStOR leaflets and Radio Contest participation diplomas to students and schools that could not attend the May 3rd event Letter, diplomas and NEStOR leaflet May 10th 2017, Cyprus Banner Banner and Poster design Spring 2017 Webinar Web Radio and NEStOR Presentation March, 2017 Presentation Ημερίδα Καλών Διδακτικών Πρακτικών Καθηγητών Πληροφορικής Presentation 29 June 2017, 1ο ΕΠΑΛ Κιλκίς. Newsletter Newsletter First Year ( ) NewsLetter also on FACEBOOK 11 Dec 2017 Webinar Web Radio and NEStOR Presentation September 2017 Lecture European School Web Radio introduced to the 1st – 4th year students at the Kaunas gymnasium. Presentation February 2017, Kaunas, Lithuania Poster Posters with project description and photos presented at the Kaunas gymnasium Presentation March 2017,Kaunas, Lithuania Poster Posters with project description and photos will be presented at Kaunas Region Education Centre Presentation 23 March 2017, Kaunas, Lithuania Multiplier Event Europe Day Presentation May5Friday, 2017 Website ( Call for schools in Cyprus to implement NEStOR (see page 27) Circular September 4th 2017, Cyprus Website ( ESR Radio Competition 2018 Announcement September 2017, Cyprus Multiplier Event Presentation about NEStOR in Italy in the event “”Vallauri meets Europe” Presentation L’esperienza Erasmus+ KA1 raccontata dai colleghi europei
9.45 – 10.45
Anastasios Vafeiadis – Experimental Senior High School of University of Macedonia Thessaloniki- Greece ( of October 2017 Lecture European School radio introdused to Kaunas region ICT teacers in Kaunas region Educational center Presentation 19th of October 2017, Lithuania Blog post CTIP activities during the first year of NEStOR Erasmus+ project Post 20 October 2017 Blog post Post on Blog “The First Year with NEStOR Project. From Challenge to Success” Post 26 th of October 2017, Lithuania Website CPI summing up NEStOR Year One Post October 2017, Cyprus Print Translation and print of NEStOR Poster and Banner in Greek for disseminations events in Cyprus Poster & Banner October 2017, Cyprus Presentation CONFERENCE PROGRAMME – KJL Presentation – ROOM 252 / Moderator Loreta Zavadskienė
Jolanta LEGAUDAITĖ. NEStOR project: Educational scenarios for teaching languages. ( International Conference 27–28 October 2017 ELT – WITH AND WITHOUT TECHNOLOGIES Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Studentų St. 39, VILNIUS, Post Project logo and article on the website of Kaunas district IT teachers’ methodical society Post 7 th of November 2017, Lithuania Banner Project logo on the Garliava Juozas Lukša high school’s IT teachers’ blog Post 1 st of November 2017, Lithuania Event Implementation event memo to Heads of Education at the Cyprus Ministry of Education Memo November 10th, 2017 Cyprus Seminar Seminar “«Μαθητικό Ραδιόφωνο», Μουσικό Σχολείο Βέροιας, Πέμπτη 16 Νοεμβρίου 2017, 17:00-20:00” , 16 November 2017, Veroia organised by the Directorate of Education for Primary and Secondary Levels and European School Radio Society (Chara Skoumpopoulou, Nikos Yagoulis) Seminar with presentations and hands on (on European School Radio and NEStOR project) 16 November 2017 Event ( Meeting of Schools Implementing NEStOR in Cyprus for years 2017-2018 Press Release (greek) November 28th 2017, Cyprus Event ( Meeting of Schools Implementing NEStOR in Cyprus for years 2017-2018 Press Release (english) November 28th 2017, Cyprus Event ( Meeting of Schools Implementing NEStOR in Cyprus for years 2017-2018 Materials, photos, etc November 28th 2017, Cyprus Workshop Presentation of European School Radio and NEStOR project, Presentation 1 & 2 December 2017, Patras, Greece Website ( Implementation of NEStOR in Cyprus for years 2017-2018 Press Release December 1st 2017, Cyprus Website ( Implementation of NEStOR in Cyprus for years 2017-2018 Press Release ( December 1st 2017, Cyprus Two Days Seminar Διημερίδα για το Μαθητικό Ραδιόφωνο και το NEStOR – European School Radio Two days seminar with presentations and hands on 1 & 2 December 2017, Patras, Greece Presentation Meetings with the school academic staff Presentation November 24 – December 07, Aglantzia Cyprus Print Poster printouts and book markers for the 4th School Radio Festival Poster & Book markers March 01 -03, 2017, Aglantzia, Cyprus Event/Workshop AGL participates in ESR’s 4th School Radio Festival in Rethymno Participation March 18-19, 2017, Greece/Rethymno Event CPI congradulates Cypriot schools participating in ESR Radio Contest 2017 Participation May 3rd 2017, Cyprus Workshop Meeting with music radio producer Mrs Marianna Galides Participation May 15th 2017, Aglantzia/Cyprus Presentation Presentation of all activities carried out under the NEStOR program in A and B grades. Presentation May 19th 2017, Aglantzia/Cyprus Event/Presentation Presentation of all activities of Nestor program on the graduation ceremony Presentation June 28th 2017, Aglantzia/Cyprus Event/Presentation Honorary diplomas were awarded to the members of our radio group June 28th 2017, Aglantzia/Cyprus Website The radio show was broadcasted at ESR’s website and uploaded at our school’s website. Post June 30th 2017, Aglantzia/Cyprus Press Release Informing the Cypriot educational community about our school’s participation in the NEStOR program Press Release June 30th 2017, Aglantzia/Cyprus Event Meeting of Schools Implementing NEStOR in Cyprus for years 2017-2018 Presentation November 28th 2017, Cyprus Announcement ( Implementation of NEStOR project in Cyprus 2017-2018 (phase A) Press Release ( January 18th 2018, Cyprus Presentation Presentation at the School of Greek Language in Copenhagen Presentation and distribution of printed material 19 January 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark Presentation Presentation during English language students’ competition of Kaunas district schools Presentation and distribution of printed material January 2018, Garliava, Lithuania Εvent ΕΠΙΜΟΡΦΩΤΙΚΗ ΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ Erasmus+ Το Πειραματικό Λύκειο Πανεπιστημίου Μακεδονίας σας προσκαλεί στην Ημερίδα που διοργανώνει με τη συνεργασία και την υποστήριξη της Περιφερειακής Διεύθυνσης Εκπαίδευσης Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας και του Δήμου Νεάπολης-Συκεών, με θέμα
Πολλαπλές νοημοσύνες, ίσες ευκαιρίες μάθησης Διάχυση της εμπειρίας από τη συμμετοχή σε Ευρωπαϊκά Προγράμματα, σχεδιασμός και διαχείριση προγραμμάτων ERASMUS+
Η Ημερίδα θα πραγματοποιηθεί το Σάββατο 20 Ιανουαρίου 2018, στο Πολυδύναμο Κέντρο Νεολαίας του Δήμου Νεάπολης Συκεών, {Ζάκκα 25, Νεάπολη) από τις 10:00 έως τις 13:30
Η παρουσία σας θα μας τιμήσει ιδιαίτερα.
“Σχεδιασμός και Διαχείριση έργου ΚΑ2 ERASMUS+ , NEStOR ” ΓΙΑΓΚΟΥΛΗΣ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΣ, MSC, MBA Εκπαιδευτικός Πληροφορικής, Πρόεδρος Επιστημ. Εταιρίας «EUROPEAN SCHOOL RADIO»,Υπεύθυνος Σχολικών Δραστηριοτήτων ΔΔΕ Κιλκίς
Ημερίδα Πειρμ ΓΕΛ Παν. Μακεδονίας 20-1-2018 []20 January 2018, Thessaloniki Greece Presentation Meeting with representatives of Lithuanian schools joining the project Presentarin February 21st 2018, Garliava, Lithuania E1 NEStOR Student Radio Festival, Trikala GR, 2018 Multiplier Events, – Festival – ESR, Thessaloniki, GR Friday 15-17 March , 2018 (scheduled, Multiplier Events, – Festival – ESR, Thessaloniki, GR 15-17 March 2018 2018 Find all Material Here and in more details here Event Ημερίδα στο 4ο ΓΕΛ Κοζάνης με θέμα: «Καλλιεργώντας τον Γραμματισμό στα Μέσα και την Πληροφορία μέσω του Μαθητικού Διαδικτυακού Ραδιοφώνου» Περιφέρεια Εκπαίδευσης Δυτικής Μακεδονίας Presentation and distribution of printed material 15 Feb 2018 – Find all material Here: Cypriot schools participating in Radio Contest 2018 Press Release ( March 26th 2018, Cyprus Announcement Cypriot schools participating in Radio Contest 2018 Press Release ( March 26th 2018, Cyprus Εvent Cypriot schools participating in Radio Contest 2018 Event March 26th 2018, Cyprus Εvent CPI’s main year event of all ICT projects Event Arpil 26th 2018, Cyprus Presentation Presentation for Kaunas district teachers and students at KTU Presentation April 11th 2018, Kaunas, Lithuania E2 Come and listen: NEStOR, the School Web Radio Portal presented in Greece Multiplier Events – PLM, Thessaloniki, GR SCheduled E3 Come and listen: NEStOR, the School Web Radio Portal presented in Lithuania Multiplier Events – KJL, Garliavos, LT May 8 Tuesday, 2018 (scheduled) E4 Come and listen: NEStOR, the School Web Radio Portal presented in Cyprus Multiplier Events– AGL, Nicosia, CY May 8 Tuesday, 2018 (scheduled)