Let’s celebrate World Radio Day 2025 together


Dear Educators,

World Radio Day 2025 is approaching! On February 13, 2025, radio stations worldwide will unite their frequencies for a better future—for our world, our planet, and the environment in which we live, grow, and create.

This year, UNESCO invites us to celebrate under the theme “Radio and Climate Change” proposing 13 ways to highlight the connection between radio and climate action.

You can create radio programs focusing on the impacts of climate change, share local and global stories, conduct interviews with experts, and explore solutions to tackle the issue. At the same time, engage your listeners by encouraging them to share their experiences and concerns about climate change through messages, classroom teleconferences, or social media discussions.

Unleash your creativity by producing audio stories incorporating nature sounds—such as lava flows, wind, wildfires, floods, and storms—to make climate change coverage more vivid and immersive.

Let’s use the power of radio to raise awareness and inspire action for a sustainable future! 

European School Radio on UNESCO’s map

We invite you to celebrate with environmental empathy, recording stories that showcase how our lives have changed and awaken awareness in the younger generation. Your stories can be shared as short radio messages on special commemorative days.

Finally, we want to unite your voices, wherever you are! We want to get to know you through your recording space at school—whether it’s a more professional studio or simply a corner you’ve set up to record your shows or songs.

Your voices have power because they broadcast together, in harmony, from every location, from every school that raises awareness, inspires, and provides students with the tools to create, communicate, and work towards a better future.

Send us photos or short videos of your recording moments, ensuring that children’s faces are not visible. Please include your school’s name and submit your material by February 12, 2025, to eduthess@europeanschoolradio.eu.

We will create a special video titled “From your school studio, for a better tomorrow” featuring your photos and videos. This collectible video will be published on World Radio Day, Thursday, February 13, 2025!

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