Dear Middle School Teachers,
Radio signifies communication, collaboration, interaction, interactivity, and the exchange of ideas!
Aligned with this approach, we invite you to join your schools in an exciting new initiative. Our partners in France, “Les Francas”, who collaborate with us in the European program Kids Radio Europe, have invited schools in our network to participate in the project of their local partners, “Francas des Landes.” These partners recently joined the Kids Radio Europe program and are implementing a local initiative called “Collégiens Citoyens” [“Student Citizens”] in the Landes department (western France). This initiative offers students in the Landes region a unique opportunity to host and manage a media platform run entirely by students within their schools.
The theme of this year’s “Student Citizens” program is: “Engagement with European Youth.”
The project seeks active collaboration opportunities between middle school students in France and their European peers. The aim is to facilitate communication and cooperation on shared projects focusing on radio production, media education, and information literacy skills.
Suggested activities include:
- Exchanging recorded radio shows or podcasts on topics such as school life, cultural differences, or local events.
- Developing collaborative projects exploring information literacy and journalistic ethics.
- Hosting virtual meetings or discussions to improve communication and teamwork skills.
We encourage middle schools to register and allow their students to share their experiences, perspectives, and talents through this initiative.
You can find more details in the attached poster, along with the registration form.