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Citizenship Themes
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20 Ideas for Teaching Citizenship to Children
By Auguste TaruskaiteIn this article, “Ideas for Teaching Citizenship to Children.” We delve into a range of engaging activities and thought-provoking discussions,...
Children Are Citizens - Helping young children gain a sense of citizenship to begin participating in democracy.
By Auguste TaruskaiteIn this piece, the importance of instilling civic values from an early age and nurturing the seeds of responsible citizenship...
Using Motivational Games to Promote Students’ Participation
By Auguste TaruskaiteWelcome to an insightful article on “Using Motivational Games to Promote Students’ Participation.” In this article, we search deeper into...
What Happens When Students Engage in Project-Based Learning?
By Auguste TaruskaiteWelcome to our captivating video, “What Happens When Students Engage in Project-Based Learning?” Get ready to witness the transformational power...
Projects and Project-Based Learning: What's The Difference?
By Auguste TaruskaiteIn this informative presentation, we explore the nuances of these two educational approaches. Discover how traditional projects and project-based learning...
A Guide To Design Thinking For Kids
By Auguste TaruskaiteWelcome to “A Guide to Design Thinking for Kids” – an exciting and informative article crafted to unleash the creativity...
Behavior Basics: How I Act In The Community
By Auguste TaruskaiteThis short and fun video is all about teaching kids how to make a positive difference in their community....
Environmental Sustainability
By Marcin MpasnikowskiAn interactive activity on WORDWALL. The spinning wheel contains a selection of ideas connected with Environmental Sustainability. Students can spin...
Children's Rights
By Marcin MpasnikowskiAn interactive activity on WORDWALL. The spinning wheel contains a selection of children’s rights. Students can spin the wheel and...
By Radio AlbaresIxeia e Itziar, alumnas de 10 años del CEIP Los Albares, nos hablan sobre las situaciones de injusticia que viven...
Składniki odżywcze
By Marcin MpasnikowskiScenariusz lekcji na temat składników odżywczych Scenariusz lekcji – Składniki odżywcze...
By Marcin MpasnikowskiLesson plan about nutrients Lesson Plan – Nutrients...
Las emociones: El miedo 2
By Radio Albares-Lectura del cuento “Yo mataré monstruos por ti” 2-Diálogo sobre el cuento para comprobar la comprensión del cuento 3-Exteriorización de...
Seasonal Products
By Radio AlbaresDebate: is it necessary to sell so many products abroad and is it necessary to consume so many products from...
By Radio Albares-Development of a decalogue of healthy habits -Information to the families of the elaboration of the decalogue and try their...