Participation Guide

Participation Guide

9.Live show broadcast #

Live broadcast


Broadcasting your show live on European School Radio is definitely the most direct and interactive way to present your work and communicate with your listeners.

Of course to be able to do a live broadcast you need to be very well prepared and have the previous experience of recorded broadcasts and with a digital DJ program like Mixxx.

It is obvious that in the case of the live broadcast there is no room for editing corrections so you have to be very careful and have checked the technical issues as well as the content issues (speech and music).

You can broadcast live with any digital DJ software that supports broadcasting (e.g. Virtual DJ) or with special broadcasting software (e.g. Max Broadcaster). We recommend the free Mixxx software.

After you have registered and scheduled your live broadcast in a previous step, contact us via for the necessary settings

We suggest that you record your live broadcast, so that you can add it to the archive of radio broadcasts later in the Library, just as you would do with a recorded broadcast, except that you will upload it, of course, after it has been broadcast.

We have prepared for you three detailed online tutorials that can help you in the preparation and process of the live broadcast:

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