Ευτυχία Τούλιου e Δήμητρα agora são amigos
Μόλις άρχισα να ακολουθώ το podcast ‘Christmas Choir ETwinning radio production‘ επειδή το βρήκα ενδιαφέρον. Δείτε το κι εσείς!
Μόλις άρεσε μια παραγωγή, γιατί μου άρεσε τόσο πολύ. Δείτε την κι εσείς!
European School Radio wrote a new post
Vasileia Dilaveri alterou a sua foto de perfil
MARIA MELESSANAKI alterou a sua foto de perfil
MARIA MELESSANAKI is feeling Excited
Ανυπομονώ να μπει σε λειτουργία η νέα πλατφόρμα του 1ου Μαθητικού Ραδιοφώνου European School Radio!
European School Radio alterou a sua foto de perfil
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vitae tincidunt felis. Pellentesque mollis ac libero eget molestie. Etiam et tellus diam. Integer at sollicitudin magna. Vivamus ultrices ligula pulvinar nisl scelerisque blandit. Nullam sit amet pulvinar dolor. Etiam viverra vehicula velit vel scelerisque. Maecenas eu pulvinar turpis.…Read More
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In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. (Yogi Berra)
I have nothing to declare except my genius. (Oscar Wildeupon arriving at U.S. customs 1882)
Do, or do not.There is no ‘try’. (Yoda)
European School Radio wrote a new post
European School Radio wrote a new post
European School Radio wrote a new post
Natalija Banov
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Proin et ex auctor, porta nulla nec, suscipit orci. Pellentesque dignissim orci urna, id tempor nulla gravida nec