Participation Guide

Participation Guide

12.2.Evaluation of Participations #

Evaluation of Participations

Evaluation procedure by the competing schools

  1. Each school that has submitted an entry to the competition will have access to a special evaluation page with the same account as the one that submitted the entry.

  2. This page will automatically display a list of audios of all entries in the grade level the school belongs to and the category it is competing in, without any other identifying information about the entries. For example, if a primary school has submitted a radio entry, the audio of all the radio entries of the primary schools will be displayed.

  3. On the same page, each school will be able to select a number of entries (other than its own entry) which it will rate as the best in descending order (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.). In other words, the entry declared as the 1st choice will be considered the best.

  4. The number of entries that each school will be able to select will be proportional to the number of entries in that category.

  5. The page will give a unique code that can be used for access by students so that they can listen to the entries from home. Students will be able to indicate which entries they like! The teacher will be able to view the students’ choices and enter the final ranking.

  6. After each school has submitted their evaluation, there will be no possibility to differentiate the choices.

Teacher’s evaluation Guide

Student’s evaluation Guide

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