Topic of the video: video consists of two parts “How Fake News Works (operate) and Influence Us” and “Why we believe Fake News” [ to explain the concept of fake news from different points. 

Aim of the video:

The aim of this video is to raise awareness of the general public and young people especially of of the challenges new technologies bring in terms of disinformation, fake news and, thus, the necessity of Media Literacy. 

Target age group: 12+.

How to use it for educational purposes?

This video can be used as an introduction to media literacy classes, to attract the attention of students. It is addressed to both advanced students, who have already some background knowledge of critical thinking and understand the challenges of new technologies, and to beginners. It is a stand alone visual message that can be also addressed to families to raise awareness.

Topics for discussion:

– Media literacy. 

– Critical Thinking.

– Information. 

– Disinformation.

– Cross checking of sources. 

– Social media. 

– Journalism and journalists. 

Reflection questions:

– What is media? 

– How accurate ifnormation on the media can be?

– Why even exists fake news?

– Why is a crusial matter to learn how to diminish them, to deescalate and weaken their response to all of us?

– How can we question and think critically about the information we get through media? 

– What we must learn in order to fight fake news?

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